Category: Uncategorized

  • Dilemma… #books

    Son 2 (and his mother) have spent quite a lot of time recently shifting all his and some of my worldly goods around Switzerland, as he moved from his student flat-share near Zurich into his own flat here by the lake, leaving me with more space at home. I decided to shift a bookcase or…

  • A 99p offer, an island and a town…

    From the Isle of Arran to the English market town of Bedford – that’s the journey Nina Moore made in my third book, The Attic Room. Having learned that a man she’d never heard of had left her a house, she flew south to investigate – and found more than she bargained for. My teenage…

  • I don’t believe it!!!

    Originally posted on linda huber: It was a real Victor Meldrew moment. The first of two, actually. There I was in Switzerland a couple of months ago, rooted to the spot in our nearest big-town washing machine retailer, eyes popping and mouth hanging open… But let’s start at the beginning. Washing machines, as we all…

  • The ‘Q’ books… #A-Z books 📚

    First of all, apologies for the somewhat homemade appearance of the blog this week; the new WordPress block editor has arrived and I can’t get the classic version back. (If anyone has an idiot’s guide to the new version, please send it to Switzerland) This series is an adaptation of something I saw on Twitter…

  • Sweet ‘n’ sour books from… Cornwall

    I’ve never forgotten the holidays I spent in Cornwall as a child – that sea! So here we are with a sweet ‘n’ sour post from the south west of England. Each S&S post features one romance or feel-good book and its blurb, set in an area I’ve visited, and one in a crime fiction…

  • The Cold Cold Sea – a book with many covers…

    During the writing process, I’m not sure what I was expecting to see on the cover of my second book. It had various working titles along the way, until The Cold Cold Sea came to mind while I was looking at photos of Cornwall one day. I suppose I thought my book would look something…

  • The Attic Room video trailer

    Son 2 and I have been busy making a new trailer. I found and downloaded the images, wrote the text, organised the credits, chose the music and put everything into MovieMaker. He pulled it all together and tweaked the timing. The result is below: The Attic Room, available on 22nd July. Amazon UK Amazon US…

  • Holidays…

    We’re right at the end of the (summer) holiday season now, so here are some holiday jokes from my English-teaching joke collection. Just to remind us of those happy times earlier in the year… Sign in a British seaside hotel: ‘Welcome to sunny Brightsea. Please do not take wet umbrellas, raincoats and rubber boots into…